Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
North Ayrshire Council
26 Jun 2024 - 14:00 to 20:00
Meeting open to the public.
  • Documents
  • Members Attending
  • Others Attending
  • Declarations of Interests



Agenda Items
Meeting Arrangements - Hybrid Meetings

This meeting will be held on a predominantly physical basis but with provision, by prior notification, for remote attendance by Elected Members in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 2003.  Where possible, the meeting will be live-streamed and available to view at

1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda.

The accuracy of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 15 May 2024 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (copy enclosed).

Submit report by the Provost for the period covering 6 May 2024 - 16 June 2024 (copy enclosed).

Submit report by the Leader of the Council for the period covering 6 May 2024 - 16 June 2024 (copy enclosed).

  1. pdf Leader's Report (311Kb)

Submit, for noting and for approval of any recommendations contained therein, the Minutes of Meetings of committees of the Council held in the period 8 May 2024 - 18 June 2024.


The Council is invited to note that (a) Councillors Inglis and McLean are the Leader and Depute Leader respectively of the Conservative and Unionist Group;  and (b) in accordance with Standing Order 8.5, (i) Councillor Inglis, being the Leader of the Conservative and Unionist Group, is now appointed to the Ayrshire Shared Services Committee and (ii) Councillor Marshall is now the named substitute on the Staffing & Recruitment Committee for the Leader of the Conservative and Unionist Group.

The Council is invited to, note that Councillor Inglis, being the new Leader of the Conservative and Unionist Group, is now appointed to serve on the Cosla Convention.

Submit report by the Head of Service (Democratic) on the outcome of the short life working group on the governance structure of the Council (copy enclosed).

Submit report by the Head of Service (Finance) on the unaudited Annual Accounts for the year to 31 March 2024 (copy enclosed).

Submit report by the Head of Service (Finance) on the unaudited Trustees’ Annual Report for the year to 31 March 2024, for approval by the Council as trustees (copy enclosed).

Submit report by the Head of Service (Finance) on the Treasury Management and Investment Annual Report and Prudential Indicators for 2023/24(copy enclosed).

Submit report by the Head of Service (Finance) on the additional Scottish Government General Revenue Grant funding for 2024/25 (copy enclosed).



In terms of Standing Order 14, submit:-


(1) question by Councillor Hume  to the Cabinet Member for Education in the following terms:


"To ask the Cabinet Member if the administration have plans to cut nurture provision in schools from August 2024?"


(2) a question by Councillor Marshall  to the Cabinet Member for Education in the following terms:


The recent   Education report to Cabinet stated that "North Ayrshire Council Education Directorate Data Team sends all 9 Secondary schools their Insight Analytical Data set each year which empowers schools to inspect their leavers’ data at a learner level Tariff score”. 


Given that very few parents (and even less Members) understand the terms "Insight" and Tariff" and that the latter is not used as a measure of performance for pupils that enter higher education, whereas the number of Highers achieved is a recognisable measure of performance.


"Can the Member report the percentage of pupils achieving 5 Higher passes in each of our Secondary Schools in the last Academic year."



(3) a question by Councillor Reid to the Cabinet Member for Green Environment and Economy in the following terms:


"Can the Cabinet Member provide a breakdown of missed brown bin collections in 2023/24 by ward?"


(4) a question by Councillor Inglis to the Cabinet Member for Green Environment and Economy the following terms:


"Following the review of North Ayrshire Council’s Irvine Estate and the fact that we cannot afford to maintain/retain so many properties in need of investment has been recognised, will the towns of Saltcoats and Stevenston have this review and if so, at what stage in the process will communities via their respective Community Councils be invited to discuss the impact on, and for, their community?"


(5) a question by Councillor McPhater to the Cabinet Member for Communities, Housing and the Islands in the following terms:


"How many wheelchair accessible properties does North Ayrshire Council hold in the Irvine locality?"


(6) a question by Councillor Marshall to the Cabinet Member for Education in the following terms:


"Is it not the case that the alleged reduction in poverty attainment gap claimed in the Education Report to Cabinet, is achieved by a reduction in the tariff score by those in SIMD 10 and demonstrates a reduction in excellence at the expense of equity?"


(7) a question by Councillor McDonald to the Cabinet Member for Communities, Housing and the Islands in the following terms:


"With Council funding which supports community Christmas lights being cut, can the Cabinet Member outline what, if any, support the Council will now provide to groups who organise Christmas light displays in their community?"


(8) a question by Councillor Bell to the Cabinet Member for Education in the following terms:


After the last meeting, the Cabinet Member for Education told the local press that the re-modelling of the school library service, and I quote, came to my attention recently because I got a lot of correspondence through from the campaign to save our school libraries, and from parent councils, and from parents, to say they weren’t happy with the current situation.


"Can the Deputy Leader of the Council clarify what he meant by that statement – did he not read the budget papers, or did he just not understand them?"


(9) a question by Councillor Foster to the Leader of the Council in the following terms:


"With Local Government staff having rejected the COSLA pay offer, is the Council Leader confident that a pay deal will be achieved or are we heading for further industrial action over pay?"


(10) a question by Councillor Kerr to the Leader of the Council in the following terms:


"To ask for an update on the Ardrossan Harbour project following the recent Ministerial taskforce meeting?" 


(11) a question by Councillor Hume  to the Cabinet Member for Education in the following terms:


“Can the Cabinet Member advise if the re-establishment of after school care provision which was outlined at the last Council meeting will be in place in the Kilwinning Locality for the new school year starting in August?”


15 Motions

In terms of Standing Order 15, submit:-


"That Council does not permit any bonfires on land owned by the Council without the Council’s express permission. Permission would be subject to the applicant agreeing to comply with any conditions set by the Council. The Council would raise awareness of this restriction via the Council website, event organisers information page and social media accounts.  

Anyone wishing to arrange a bonfire on Council-owned land would require to complete an Event Notification Form to apply for permission. In assessing whether and on what terms to grant permission, officers would have regard to the event type, public liability insurance requirements, first aid provision, litter management and clean up, any licensing requirements, stewarding, policing and toilet provision.


Event Notification Forms must be submitted to the Council a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the anticipated use of the site. If permission was granted, services would circulate the approval of site to all interested parties. 


In the absence of permission, anyone depositing materials for burning on Council-owned property would be liable to a Fixed Penalty notice for fly-tipping and a fee for the removal of fly-tipped items."

16 Urgent Items

Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent.



Please note: this meeting may be filmed/recorded/live-streamed to the Council's internet site and available to view at, where it will be capable of repeated viewing.  At the start of the meeting, the Provost/Chair will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed/recorded/live-streamed.


You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 2018.  Data collected during the webcast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy, including, but not limited to, for the purpose of keeping historical records and making those records available via the Council’s internet site.


Generally, the press and public will not be filmed. However, by entering the Council Chambers and using the press or public seating area, you acknowledge that you may be filmed and that any information pertaining to you contained in the video and oral recording of the meeting will be used for webcasting or training purposes and for the purpose of keeping historical records and making those records available to the public. In making this use of your information the Council is processing data which is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest


If you have any queries regarding this and, in particular, if you believe that use and/or storage of any particular information would cause, or be likely to cause, substantial damage or distress to any individual, please contact
North Ayrshire Council

John Bell
Timothy Billings
Marie Burns
Eleanor Collier
Joe Cullinane
Scott Davidson
Anthea Dickson
Stewart Ferguson
Todd Ferguson
Robert Foster
Scott Gallacher
Tony Gurney
Alan Hill
Mary Hume
Cameron Inglis
Margaret Johnson
Amanda Kerr
Christina Larsen
Shaun Macaulay
Jean McClung
Nairn McDonald
Matthew McLean
Louise McPhater
Davina McTiernan
Tom Marshall
Jim Montgomerie
Ian Murdoch
Donald Reid
Donald L Reid
Chloe Robertson
Ronnie Stalker
Angela Stephen
John Sweeney

Additional Meeting Documents

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.

Others Attending

Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting


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