2024 Ward 6 Kilwinning By-Election Results

The 2024 Ward 6 Kilwinning By-Election was held on Thursday 9 May 2024 with the electronic verification and counting of votes taking place on Friday 10 May 2024 in Nethermains Community Centre.


Mary Hume, Scottish Labour Party has been duly elected as the Councillor for the Kilwinning Ward.


The total electorate for the Ward was 13,392.

The number of first preferences was 3,996.

The percentage poll was 30.2%.

Copies of all reports in connection with the Ward 6 By-Election results are detailed below:-

Candidate Vote per Stage Report

Declaration of Results

First Preference Report

Preferences by Ballot Box Report

Preference Summary Report

Transfers Report

Preference Profile (if you require this in .blt format contact the Election Office on 01294 324729